Deer Woman

In Native American mythology, the Deer Woman is a shape-shifting woman whose appearance is never quite stable. She is described as being either young or old, with hooves in place of feet. In some tales, she takes the whole form of a deer - and then in others the split is roughly half-woman half-deer, the lower half being that of a white-tailed deer. I haven’t found any stories that switch this around; deer-headed with a human lower body. I think this is a real shame. Would make for some hilarious illustrations.


Anyway, the Deer Woman has a mixed history. Today, she is widely known as a temptress, taking the form of a beautiful woman and luring men to their death. The method of death is traditionally magical; the men are entranced by the deer and starve to death, or waste away. Modern horror stories like to gorify the act of killing, so the Deer Woman stomps the unfortunate man to death.

Not all who are lured into her presence are killed, however. The Deer Woman tries her best to hide her hooven feet, because, if noticed, the spell is broken. The smoke from tobacco accompanied by chanting can also ward her away. When the spell is broken the Deer Woman flees as quickly as possible, but in some cases this is not possible - it is said that if a man identifies the woman's cloven feet and then sleeps with her, then he can temporarily capture her until she gives him her power - usually enabling him to become a better rider or warrior. If this is not done correctly, however, then the man can turn mad

Deer Women love to dance, and often join in the festivities of the powwow. This interaction with the everyday hints at the role of the Deer Woman in more traditional tales - as a symbol of fertility, but one of control and civilized union. She plays a protective role over the community - encouraging strong bonds between married couples, whilst also tempting away (and killing) dangerous males.

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